NRA Personal Protection In The Home Course
NRA Personal Protection In The Home Course
This course teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for the protection of yourself and your family, and provides information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense. The cost of this class is $125.
This course is for law-abiding adult citizens and experienced shooters. Prospective participants can demonstrate that they have the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes by producing an NRA Basic Pistol Course Certificate, NRA FIRST Steps Course Certificate, NRA pistol competitive shooting qualification card, military DD 214 with pistol qualification, or passing the Pre-Course Assessment.
This is an 8-hour course. Students should bring and expect to shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition. Students will learn basic defensive shooting skills, strategies for home safety and responding to a violent confrontation, firearms and the law, how to choose a handgun for self-defense, and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection In The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, and course completion certificate.
Lesson III of this course—Firearms and the Law, and Legal Aspects of Self-Defense—is conducted by an attorney licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania and who is familiar with this area of the law, a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) who possesses an intermediate or higher Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certificate granted within the state; or an individual currently certified to instruct in this area of the law in Pennsylvania.
Use the form below to register for an upcoming class. Be sure to review the cancellation policy and terms & conditions before registering for a class.
- General Legal update and Carrying Firearms in Pennsylvania
- Current standing
- Reciprocity Updates
- Expansion of the right
- Open Carry developments
- Attempts at legislative changes
i. Rep Frankle TSA
- Case studies of potential issues and actions
- Road rage with bicyclist incident 2024
i. Brandishing Issues - Park City shooting incident
i. Discharged - Home invasion in Lancaster in 2023
i. Discharged - Neighbor property dispute
i. Brandishing Issues - Other?
- Road rage with bicyclist incident 2024
- Open the floor to general questions
- Conclusion
We're sorry, we've reached our registration/building capacity for this event. If you were unable to register we do encourage you to join us as some who registered may not be able to attend. We may be able to accommodate you. Please contact Harry Kintzi at [email protected] with any questions.
There are currently no courses scheduled. Please check back in the future.